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What is a mutual insurance association?

The Belgian law of 6 August 1990 defines a mutual insurance association (mutualité) as “a not-for-profit association, which, with foresight, assistance and solidarity aims to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of its members”.

The 3 objectives of a mutual insurance association

  1. Material assistance: to refund healthcare costs and pay allowances in the event of an inability to work
  2. To promote the physical, mental and social well-being of its affiliates: assisting, informing and guiding
  3. Its affiliates with relation to the public authorities.

It is compulsory in Belgium to register with a mutual insurance association

If you live in Belgium it is compulsory for you to subscribe to a health and disability insurance. This enables you to benefit from reimbursement of costs of care in the event of illness or hospitalisation, and also covers benefits related to the birth of a child or inability to work. You may/can register with the mutual insurance association of your choice.

The 3 objectives of a mutual insurance association

  • 11 regional mutual insurance associations in Belgium

  • More than 4,500 employees

  • Millions paid out in refunds each year

  • Hospital beds

  • Polyclinics

  • Opticians’ shops

  • Family planning centres

  • Central home care services in Wallonia and in Brussels

  • A nursing home

  • A centre for suicide prevention and support: Un pass dans l’impasse

  • a paediatric medical centre: Clairs Vallons